… hat eine Jivamukti-Ausbildung und ist eine erfahrene Konzertsopranistin.
Standort: Oxford, Rom
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch
Yoga for musicians ▼
Yoga for musicians
Being myself a musician, I know how important the connection to your body is to musically shine. I started my acquaintance with Yoga through Iyengar Yoga, a style known for its steady rhythm, holding positions for several minutes and immaculate alignment. This helped me – as a singer – to improve my posture and composure. Later I started practicing Jivamukti yoga, which introduces flow, dynamics, breathing and a full cycle of all that belongs to Yoga, including meditation and scripture, without losing the alignment.
As musicians we want to communicate with our audience, directly and subliminally. The more we are in balance with ourselves and our bodies, the more authentic we will be in our performance.
Classes will focus on breathing and improving our posture, combined with work on chakras related to our communication and the physical and emotional body, benefitting our performance as musicians.
For the musical link:
Yoga for musicians▲
… hat eine Vinyasa- Ausbildung und über 10 Jahre Gesprächstherapie-Erfahrung.
Schwerpunkte: YinYoga, Life Balance Coaching ü60
Standort: Stuttgart
Sprachen: Deutsch und sogar Schwäbisch (!)
… hat eine Vinyasa- und Jivamukti-Ausbildung und unterrichtet sowohl im Studio als auch Turnverein.
Standort: Stuttgart, Wien
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
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